Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Hint fiction: 25 words or less that hint at a larger, more complex story

It is my first time joining a blog chain with the fellow bloggers from Absolute Write. This month’s task is to write a piece of hint fiction, a story of 25 words or less that hints at a larger, more complex story.  Here's my attempt:

The helicopter plunged over the jungle. Mathilde chuckled: Daddy allowed only melted ice cream. How drôle.
"She's ninety, but she'll make it,” the nurses said.

One reason for blog chains is to discover other blogs, so here's a list of all the other participants.


  1. How drole indeed. That's a nice little thought-provoking piece of hint fiction. I was getting a Mosquito Coast meets The Notebook vibe from it. I like it!

  2. Wow... I'm just blown away with all these flash fiction hints. They're really, really good. Thanks.

  3. It has been a fun blog chain! Thanks for stopping by.

  4. Oh, why there's a whole world behind this one. Very interesting.

  5. This is such a cool idea, loved your story :)

  6. Wow - that's a lot of possibilities spurred by 25 little words. Well done!

  7. Well done! So hard to put an entire story into so few words!

  8. Well done and it has been a fun chain ;o)
